RESEARCH SPOTLIGHT: Mohamed Saad Zaghloul, M.D.

Mohamed Saad Zaghloul, M.D.

Professor, Chairman of Radiation Oncology, Children Cancer Hospital Egypt 57357

  1. Where are you from?/Where did you study?

I am from Egypt and I studied in Cairo University.

  1. What are you researching right now?

Randomized study of 2 hypofractionated radiotherapy versus conventional radiotherapy in DIPG.

  1. Who is your all-time favorite scientist?

Albert Einstein

  1. What do you like to do in your spare time?

Reading novels

  1. Favorite food?


  1. Why science?

To reach to the truth

  1. Who/What has inspired you to work on DIPG?

We have had many patients and the results have been bad for the last 4 decades.

  1. What are you reading right now?

Radiotherapy in Africa & other Low/middle Income countries

  1. If you could give one piece of advice to someone considering a research career, what would it be?

Do not give up.